
This article is by Kevin KoronkaLeslie Basque & Quinn Stigers, and was featured on Hush Blackwell.

On October 6, 2022, President Biden issued a full pardon for all federal convictions for simple possession of marijuana, urged state governors to pardon state-level possession convictions, and encouraged rescheduling of marijuana under federal law.

The legal landscape surrounding marijuana varies greatly. Under federal law, marijuana is still illegal and is a Schedule I controlled substance; however, at the state level, marijuana use or possession can range from legal under state law, legal for medicinal use only, decriminalized, or still completely illegal.

Even in states that have decriminalized or legalized marijuana in some capacity, the laws vary. Some states have allowed for expungements of state possession convictions, meaning the complete removal of a conviction from an individual’s record. Some states have issued pardons similar to Biden’s, and others have not retroactively expunged or pardoned convictions.

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