Gen Z, the generation born between the mid-to-late 1990s and the early 2010s, is making its presence felt in the workforce. As they enter the professional world, their expectations and preferences are reshaping traditional work norms. One of the most significant...
Exciting news for minority entrepreneurs in Columbia, Missouri! The Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) Grant program, administered by REDI and funded by the City of Columbia, is gearing up for another year of supporting underrepresented businesses. Are You Eligible?...
The Central Ozarks Private Industry Council (COPIC) is seeking a passionate and driven individual to join our team as a Workforce Development Career Consultant. In this role, you will empower individuals to overcome challenges, develop valuable skills, and achieve...
There was a great turnout at the recent Second Chance Job Fair in Salem! Our Central Workforce Development Region team was proud to connect with employers like Royal Oak, Walmart, and others, promoting WIOA and EDA training opportunities. Pictured are Jenna Snodgrass...
The Central Workforce Development Region and C&S Employment Solutions are pleased to announce a strategic partnership aimed at maximizing workforce opportunities in the central Missouri area. This collaboration brings together the expertise of C&S, a leading...