
The Missouri Department of Higher Education & Workforce Development (MDHEWD) will host a webinar, Thursday, June 10, as part of its Bridges to Success Equity Webinar series.

Degrees When Due is a completion and equity initiative designed to help states and colleges increase degree attainment among learners with some college, but no degree. More than 190 institutions in 23 states participate in Degrees When Due.

Thursday’s webinar is the latest in a series of monthly presentations given by educators and advocates aimed at promoting equity throughout Missouri’s colleges and universities. Leanne Davis, Associate Director of Research and Policy at the Institute of Higher Education Policy, will give a virtual presentation on how data can be used to guide adult learners toward college degrees.

Prioritizing degree reclamation efforts will help close gaps in postsecondary attainment for student groups that have long been underrepresented in higher education. During the pandemic, many institutions had to shift focus away from reengaging stopped-out students. We hope Thursday’s webinar will re-energize the outreach efforts of Missouri’s higher education institutions.

Dr. Mara Woody, assistant commissioner of the office of postsecondary policy

Approximately 35 million Americans have taken some college credit, but no degree. About 75,000 of these potential completers live in Missouri, with two years of college credit completed, but no awarded degree.

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MDHEWD’s Office of Postsecondary Policy recently published a corresponding white paper, which also focuses on getting adult learners who started college but never finished, back on the path toward a college degree.

Monthly equity webinars have been offered since September 2020. You can watch previous webinars and read previous white papers at https://dhewd.mo.gov/equity_project.php.

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