The Central Workforce Development Region is excited to open Job Center doors back up to the public on March 15th. However, not all Central Region Job Centers will reopen yet. The following Job Centers will open their doors back up to the public:...
The Missouri Coordinating Board for Higher Education (CBHE) voted to add public health to the list of eligible program areas for the Fast Track Workforce Incentive Grant during its March 3 meeting. Students studying in an approved public health program will be...
Employers across the Central Region are seeking their next great team member to fill a variety of positions. The Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development (DHEWD) is offering a virtual job fair Tuesday, March 9, 2021, from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. as part...
The Missouri Department of Higher Education & Workforce Development (MDHEWD) is partnering with the Missouri State Treasurer’s Office to promote America Saves Week. America Saves Week is an annual call to action for Americans to save for the future. America Saves...
The Office of Workforce Development (OWD) within the Missouri Department of Higher Education & Workforce Development (MDHEWD) has launched MO Apprentice Ready, an initiative to fund pre-apprenticeship programs throughout the state. A $1 million investment of...
The State of Missouri is seeking new team members to fill a variety of positions in Central Missouri at the February 23 Virtual Job Fair. The Central Workforce Development Board (CWDB) is partnering with The Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development...