
The Central Workforce Development Board in cooperation with the Jefferson City Area Chamber of Commerce, is pleased to announce the appointment of Ms. Paula Benne, President and Owner of C & S Business Services, Jefferson City, Missouri.

Ms. Benne, who holds a variety of professional staffing certifications and credentials, is also a member of the Jefferson City Area Chamber of Commerce where she serves on the Chamber Board and as an Ambassador.

C & S Business Services is a certified Woman-Owned Business Enterprise and is a locally owned and operated staffing agency serving Jefferson City and central Missouri since 1977.

The Jefferson City Area Chamber of Commerce put forth Ms. Benne’s nomination to the Central Workforce Development Board, followed by the confirmation of her appointment by Cole County Presiding Commissioner Sam Bushman.

Paula’s expertise in the workforce arena makes her a perfect business representative on the board. We call on her expertise on a regular basis and appreciate her passion for finding real solutions to workforce challenges.

Gary Plummer, Chamber President and CEO

The Central Workforce Development Board is composed of community leaders from local businesses, educational institutions, labor groups, community-based organizations, and governmental entities.  The CWDB directs the implementation of publicly funded workforce development activities throughout the Central Workforce Development Region. 

The Central Workforce Development Region encompasses 19 mid-Missouri counties including Audrain, Boone, Callaway, Camden, Cole, Cooper, Crawford, Dent, Gasconade, Howard, Laclede, Maries, Miller, Moniteau, Morgan, Osage, Phelps, Pulaski, and Washington.  It also offers four full-service Missouri Job Center locations in Columbia, Jefferson City, Rolla, and Lebanon, along with satellite operations available in Fulton, Fort Leonard Wood, Osage Beach, and Potosi.

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