
Douglas, an Army Veteran, came into the Lebanon Job Center January 2nd, 2020, to find out about training opportunities available. Mr. Crum was working at Missouri Tooling & Automation, making just under 24K a year to support his family of six.

Douglas chose to attend CDL training at Clement Truck Driving Academy.

Unable to quite working to solely focus on training, Douglas worked full-time during the day, and Clement was kind enough to work with his schedule to get him trained, on the road, and placed in employment.

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Douglas completed training on May 4, 2020. and was able to test once the COVID stay-at-home order was lifted. He has since secured employment in his desired career field of professional truck driving at Premier Auto Rebuilder and Truck Salvage, LLC, in Phillipsburg, Mo.

Mr Crum is now earning a self-sustaining wage of $17.50/hr, a 75% wage increase, with benefits, and with room to grow within the company.

Thank you to the people at the Missouri Career Center, and the instructors at Clement. The program there gave me a skillset that has already changed my life. I can’t thank them enough.

Douglas Crum

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