
Connor Liebler’s path to success is a testament to determination, hard work, and the support of programs like the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). As a recent graduate from Clement Truck Driving Academy’s Professional Truck Driver training, Connor has transformed his life and is now thriving in a fulfilling career.

Connor’s journey began when he walked through the doors of the Lake Area Job Center Affiliate Location, a place of hope and opportunity for individuals seeking meaningful employment. At that time, he was unemployed, his most recent job being a seasonal position at Under Armour. He was determined to take control of his future and build a stable career.

With the help of the WIOA Adult Occupational Skills Training program, Connor received the support he needed to enroll in the truck driving program at Clement. This program gave him the necessary skills and knowledge to become a professional truck driver and instilled in him a sense of confidence and purpose.

The Workforce Link Podcast offers forward thinking conversations for the workforce, linking employers and job seekers to a brighter tomorrow. Check out the details here…

Connor’s transformation didn’t stop with his education. He continued to work hard, pushing himself to excel in his studies and on-the-road training. Upon completing the program, he set out on a new path as a full-time Delivery Driver with the Ice Cream Factory. The career he now enjoys is financially rewarding and brings a sense of fulfillment.

Connor’s journey serves as an inspiration to all who face obstacles in their professional lives. His commitment to self-improvement and the opportunities provided by the WIOA program have turned his life around. He is no longer defined by unemployment but rather by the career he has built through his hard work and determination.

Congratulations, Connor!

Are you interested in becoming a professional truck driver? The Central Region Missouri Job Centers & Clement Truck Driving Academy are Ready to Help! In just four weeks, you’ll gain the needed skills, experiencing a unique blend of classroom instruction and hands-on driving. Tuition assistance and housing are available for those who qualify. Ready to take the wheel of your future? Learn more about our program at cwdregion.com/clement

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