
Adulting is hard, right? Getting caught up in the day-to-day responsibilities of our jobs, families, etc., can be so easy that we forget to have fun. And if we’re not careful, we’ll burn out, get caught up in the toxic hustle culture, and more.  

Well… our guest will help us figure out a way to avoid those things, help us unleash our inner child, and help our productivity soar! 

Mike Montague is a game show host, public speaker, podcaster, and writer at Playful Humans. He has been a radio DJ, karaoke host, virtual game show host, MC, and DJ for live events, including opening for Billy Idol and Frankie Vall,  and performing at the Kansas City Chiefs and Toby Keith’s Bar & Grill.  He has hosted game shows for Meta, Google, Hanes, Subway, T-Mobile, Express and many more. His mission is to help adults discover the power of playing for a living and how to avoid burnout, quiet quitting, or a midlife crisis. 

In this episode of The Workforce Link Podcast, we will learn from Mike how to be more creative, why play is important in productivity, why grinding doesn’t work, and how we can be more playful. We hope you enjoy this episode on how the power of play can boost your productivity with our special guest, Mike Montague. 

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Playful Humans
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