
In the summer of 2022, Jerome Kauffman stood at the threshold of his senior year of high school, ready to embark on a journey to shape his future. With a desire to gain additional work experience and bolster his skills, Jerome’s determination led him to the doors of the Job Center. 

Little did he know that this decision would mark the beginning of a transformative experience that would enhance his skillset and equip him with the resilience needed to navigate the challenges ahead.

Enrollment in the In-School-Youth (ISY) Program

Jerome’s quest for professional growth led him to the In-School-Youth (ISY) program, a platform designed to provide young individuals with an opportunity to gain valuable work experience while still in school. 

In June 2022, as the warmth of summer enveloped the city, Jerome took his first steps into the ISY program at the Job Center. With his sights set on exploring new horizons, he dove headfirst into this opportunity.

Placement in the WOIA Work Experience Program

Within the ISY program, Jerome was swiftly enrolled in the WOIA Work Experience program. In collaboration with the City of Versailles Park, this program sought to provide young talents like Jerome with hands-on experience in a real-world work environment. His enthusiasm matched the program’s mission, and Jerome soon found himself immersed in a dynamic learning curve.

“Without this program, the parks would be so far behind, and this allows us to give back to the youth and teach them skills for life,” said City of Versailles Park Superintendent David Vogt. “Kari Newell and Jacie Howard have been very professional and understand what we need for this position. This program is essential for the parks department for many reasons. My hopes are that this program continues for years to come.”

Growth Through Work Experience Program (WEP)

As a dedicated Work Experience Program (WEP) participant, Jerome embraced each challenge as a chance to grow. The program’s structure allowed him to gain insights into various aspects of professional life, from effective communication to time management and problem-solving. The City of Versailles Park became Jerome’s classroom, where he learned the technical skills relevant to his work and the soft skills that are invaluable in any career.

The Workforce Link Podcast offers forward thinking conversations for the workforce, linking employers and job seekers to a brighter tomorrow. Check out the details here…

Overcoming Obstacles

Jerome’s dedication and hard work did not go unnoticed. However, despite his exceptional performance and commitment, external circumstances played a role in his journey. Budgeting restrictions imposed by the City prevented his retention after completing the program. This unforeseen hurdle could have discouraged many, but not Jerome.

Turning Setbacks into Opportunities

Jerome’s resilience shone through as he refused to let this setback define his journey. Instead, he saw it as an opportunity to adapt and evolve. Armed with newfound skills, experience, and an unyielding spirit, he updated his resume to reflect the depth of his capabilities. This determination eventually led him to a new avenue—employment with Pizza Hut, a testament to his resourcefulness and ability to turn challenges into stepping stones.

Graduation and Future Prospects

Jerome’s journey through the ISY program was not just about professional growth but a holistic transformation. As he pursued his work experience endeavors, he also pursued his high school diploma. In May 2023, Jerome stood proud as a high school graduate, a testament to his dedication to his education and career aspirations.

Looking Forward

Jerome Kauffman’s story is one of resilience, adaptability, and the unwavering pursuit of growth. His story serves as an inspiration to young individuals navigating the dynamic landscape of work and education.

His journey reminds us all that determination, adaptability, and a positive attitude can transform challenges into stepping stones toward a brighter future.

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