
The public interface of the MoJobs website, the state’s labor data exchange and case management system, has been brought back online with most of its features as of today.

The public was notified June 29 that MoJobs was down due to an outage impacting the site’s vendor, Geographic Solutions Incorporated (GSI). The GSI outage impacted more than 35 other states. Since that time the Missouri Department of Higher Education & Workforce Development, along with the Missouri Office of Administration, have worked closely with GSI to bring the Missouri system back online.

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Phase one to bring the site back online happened early Tuesday morning, July 12, 2022, which gives employers the ability to post job openings and allows job seekers to continue job search services. While the site is back up and running, some functions are still unavailable. The MoJobs Connect app is still down, as well as some interfaces within the MoJobs system, including the Tallify assessment.    

All MoJobs users will be required to reset their passwords upon login. Resources and instructions will continue to be available on the jobs.mo.gov website until the MoJobs system is restored to full service.

Missouri will continue to meet with GSI to bring the site back to full functionality. In addition to the self-service portal in MoJobs, Missourians can still receive services by phone at 1-888-728-5627 or by visiting one of our Central Region Job Centers.

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