
Choosing a career path can be daunting for many high school students. However, for Alexander Lopez, an encounter with a marine mechanics class and a dedicated teacher sparked a newfound passion and set the stage for a successful career in the marine industry.

Alexander initially harbored a keen interest in the automotive industry. But his trajectory took an unexpected turn when he enrolled in a Marine Mechanics class in high school, and his teacher, Scott Miller, helped blossom his curiosity for the marine industry.

After graduating high school in May 2022, Lopez began assisting his teacher, Miller, with boat repairs. However, he soon realized the need for additional knowledge to thrive in his newfound career path. Upon Miller’s recommendation, Alexander enrolled in Lake Career and Technical Center in the fall of 2022. There, he learned about the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Program, which provided much-needed tuition assistance.

Upon enrolling in Lake Career and Technical Center, Lopez met with the Lebanon Job Center Staff, Whitney Davis and Mick Jagears, who helped facilitate enrollment. With the financial support from the program, he embarked on his training, receiving guidance from their assigned case manager, Dawnella Holt.

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Alongside classroom instruction, Alexander also participated in a Work-Based Study at Bow to Stern Marine, an initiative his high school teacher, Scott Miller, initiated in early 2022.

Alexander’s dedication and commitment were recognized throughout his training through various accolades. He participated in a SkillsUSA competition and excelled, placing in the state competition and eventually winning the national championship in postsecondary Marine Service Technology held in Atlanta, Georgia.

In May 2023, he completed his training at Lake Career and Technical Center, earning a Certificate of Completion and a SkillsUSA Career Essentials and Yamaha Marine University certificate.

Equipped with his newly acquired skills and certifications, Lopez began working full-time at Bow to Stern Marine, joining his mentor Scott in building and growing the business. The support and guidance he received from Lake Career and Technical Center staff, particularly instructor Tim Keeney, proved instrumental in his success. He also developed strong bonds with fellow students, fostering a sense of camaraderie and ongoing support.

The Lake Career and Technical Center program provided technical skills relevant to the marine service industry and nurtured personal growth. Alexander learned valuable interpersonal skills and emerged as a changed person, ready to tackle the challenges of his chosen career.

“Participating in the program and being assisted financially has been amazing,” said Alexander. It has definitely changed my future as I learned the skills necessary to be successful working solo and not waste time making decisions. I also know the help didn’t stop when school ended, and I know I have long-term support from those I have encountered while in training. I feel very equipped to be successful.”

Alexander’s journey from automotive enthusiast to marine industry professional exemplifies the transformative power of education, mentorship, and financial assistance. Through the support of dedicated educators, programs like WIOA, and his determination, Lopez has successfully transitioned into a fulfilling career.

Way to go, Alexander!

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