
Scott Sloan, Rolla Job Center Supervisor, was recently named Department of HIgher Education & Workforce Development (DHEWD) Employee of the Month in recognition of his outstanding dedication to workforce development. Jennifer Taylor, Regional Manager/JVSG Coordinator for DHEWD, presented him with the award, celebrating his commitment to serving job seekers and enhancing program effectiveness.

Scott has been employed with DHEWD for over 15 years.

Scott has worked tirelessly with his team to maximize customer enrollments in QUEST supportive services, ensuring that individuals receive the assistance they need to complete their training and secure successful career pathways. 

As a result of their efforts, the Rolla Job Center now ranks second in the state for QUEST enrollments, with 19 customers actively receiving supportive services that will help them complete their training and transition into meaningful employment. Scott has gone above and beyond by providing QUEST enrollment training for his staff, offering to train teams in other Job Centers, and working closely with partner organizations to optimize service coordination.

Congrats, Scott! 

The Workforce Link Podcast offers forward thinking conversations for the workforce, linking employers and job seekers to a brighter tomorrow. Check out the details here…

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