
April is Second Chance Month, designed to recognize the importance of helping individuals, communities, and agencies across the country appreciate their role in supporting the safe and successful reentry of millions of people returning from incarceration each year. Second Chance Month aims to inform and highlight the many opportunities for state, local, and tribal governments and community-based service providers to build meaningful second chances for our returning community members.

Stories like Richard Maupin’s demonstrate that positive change is always possible with the right support.

Richard was struggling. After months out of work, job applications were going nowhere, and his life lacked stability without a source of income. With nowhere else to turn, he reached out to the Missouri Job Center.

The Workforce Link Podcast offers forward thinking conversations for the workforce, linking employers and job seekers to a brighter tomorrow. Check out the details here…

There, he discovered the Commercial Drivers License (CDL) Training Program, which was made possible by the partnership with the Central Workforce Development Region and multiple training providers, including Mineral Area Community College. Not only would his tuition be paid, but the program also helped with transportation to and from his training at MACC. This support was essential in allowing Richard to focus on his goal.

Richard thrived in the training program and successfully earned his Class A CDL. Nearly a year later, he’s a valued employee at TransAm Trucking, earning a good income that has transformed his life.

“The decision to attend training and the help from the Workforce Development Program changed everything,” Richard says. “I have a job, a steady paycheck, and my whole living situation has improved dramatically.”

Programs like the Central Region Workforce CDL  initiative can provide the training and support needed to build a brighter future, proving that second chances can lead to lasting success.

Need some assistance finding your next career pathway? We’re ready to help! Learn more today…

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