
Trenton Bryan has achieved remarkable milestones through the Jobs League and the Work Experience program. Determined to support his family and buy a truck by the age of 16, Trenton’s journey is a testament to his hard work and the opportunities provided by programs such as these. 

Trenton’s path to success began with a connection through his grandmother, who volunteers at the St. James Caring Center. Executive Director Nancy Montgomery recognized Trenton’s potential and inquired if he would be interested in working at the Center. Without hesitation, Trenton agreed and was soon introduced to the Jobs League contact person, setting the wheels of his journey in motion.

His training at the Caring Center involved a variety of tasks, including unloading donated items, sorting and cleaning them, and managing donation deliveries and pickups. Initially, Trenton found working with the public challenging, but he quickly adapted and grew more confident as he mastered his responsibilities.

The Workforce Link Podcast offers forward thinking conversations for the workforce, linking employers and job seekers to a brighter tomorrow. Check out the details here…

Before his involvement with Jobs League, Trenton had no work history to showcase on a resume. However, his experience at the Caring Center proved invaluable when he applied for a position at Country Mart. The skills and work ethic he developed at the Center played a significant role in his successful employment.

Reflecting on his experience, Trenton said, “The truck may not be the best one in the high school parking lot, but it is mine. The Jobs League made all this possible.”

Trenton’s grandmother also recognizes the maturity and growth he has exhibited since joining Jobs League. With his eyes set on the future, Trenton hopes to attend college after graduating from high school. Despite moving on from his role at the Caring Center, he continues to volunteer there, cherishing the relationships he built and the supportive environment he experienced.

The Jobs League and Work Experience program have been instrumental in Trenton’s journey, providing him with the skills, confidence, and opportunities to achieve his goals. His story is a shining example of how dedication and the right support can pave the way for a brighter future. 

Way to go, Trenton!

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