Kenneth Trudeau’s life has been marked by service – first in the Air Force and then in the aviation industry. After an 18-year tenure at Southwest Airlines, Kenneth found himself seeking a new adventure, one that led him to embark on a different kind of...
Elizabeth “Beth” Durreman’s career journey from a newspaper Editor to a thriving career in Advertising Sales is a testament to the significance of Job Center services and the importance of resilience in the modern job market. Beth faced an unexpected career...
Life is a journey filled with twists and turns; for Taylor Hart, that journey has been nothing short of extraordinary. From being a single parent working as a nurse technician to now being a Registered Nurse (RN) at Mercy Oncology Infusion Center, Taylor’s story...
Kaitlyn Travis’s story is a testament to the power of determination, support, and the opportunities available through various workforce development programs. Graduating from the State Fair Community College at Sedalia nursing program in May 2023 with an...
There are moments in life when one’s determination and a little bit of support can make all the difference. This incredible success story showcases the power of hard work and the valuable assistance programs like WIOA (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act)...
Connor Liebler’s path to success is a testament to determination, hard work, and the support of programs like the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). As a recent graduate from Clement Truck Driving Academy’s Professional Truck Driver training,...